Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Message Alerts

These messages will appear at the bottom of the screen and can contain anything the webmaster decides to put in them. These messages also have cookie setup ability. This allows the webmaster to store information about a user and recall it on the next visit for whatever purpose the cookie was designed to serve. A great example is the message to notify the users that cookies are used on your site. In order to read if the user has seen the message, you have to set a cookie and check it on visit for value.

							msgclass:"alert dark-bg custom-alert", 
							fullsize:true, title:"Message Alerts Demo",
							content:"These are custom message alerts that can use cookies. These can be built in the server then constructed for display using the built in Cookie Message system.<i class='alert-icon fa fa-exclemation-triangle'></i>",
							buttons:'<span class="float-right"><button class="message-alert-confirm btn btn-custom">Confirm</button>'
Message Alerts Demo×
These are custom message alerts that can use cookies. These can be built in the server then constructed for display using the built in Cookie Message system.

the Demo Messages.